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Estafas en internet
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hern Sin conexión
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Ing. Mecánica
Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #1
Estafas en internet
buenas, gente.

debo ser el unico (o primer) boludo en argentina que cae en una de estas cosas, pero sepan que llego una modalidad de estafa muy popular en europa.

el otro dia vi un aviso por un departamento en alquiler en (ya lo bajaron), ubicado en republica de la india al 2800, por 400 dolares. la seguidilla de mails es la siguiente:


Thank you for your interest in having my place for rent; it has 2 Bedroom and 2 bath and fully equipped kitchen and it's situated on República De La India 2800 - Palermo - Capital Federal, entre Cabello y Gutierrez.
I have moved to London, United Kingdom, about 4 months ago, with my husband, when I accepted my new job. I decided to keep the place because I wanted to have a comfortable and familiar place to stay when I will get back so I decided not sell it, I will just rent while I'm London. It may take up to 5 years. I will solicit for your absolute maintenance of the place and want you to treat it as your own.
The money are not the main problem I am looking for a responsible person that can take care of property. The place is available and it has not been rented before. You can rent it for the period of time suitable for you of course. You can start with a basic 6 months and we can renew the agreement any time you want.
I'm being selective so please send a description of what you do and why I should rent the place and anything else that might give you the upper hand. The Tenancy Agreement form will be forwarded to you, which would guarantee your entry to the place on the day of your arrival.
The rent for 1 month is $400 including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, 2 parking spots, air conditioning). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. I have ready all the necessary rental documents. The only problem is that I'm the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a way to solve this situation. I will really appreciate a response if you decide to rent the place.
Above all things, this is a great place and opportunity for someone. Hope to hear back from you soon!

Best Regards
Nicoleta Dorson

Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I'm in London already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 400 USD, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account.
The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well.
The solution is provided by a company called MoneyBookers which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the MoneyBookers website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:
Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

I want to inform you that MoneyBookers will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don't like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to MoneyBookers Service the first month of rent - $400 USD - so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.
Like I said, I will pay for a 2 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
1 - To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
2 - I go to the MoneyBookers Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
3 - MoneyBookers will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
4 - MoneyBookers will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
5 - At this point you will have to go to a WesternUnion Agent Location and make a money transfer deposit on the MoneyBookers agent name ij London assigned with this transaction for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for the first month of rent.
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to MoneyBookers (MTCN#, sender's name and address)
7 - MoneyBookers will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
8 - After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 2 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything is in order you will instruct MoneyBookers to release the funds to me.
If you don't like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.I will pay MoneyBookers Service for the shipping and you will pay WesternUnion for the Money Transfer fees.Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the MoneyBookers delivery.
Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

como un buen boludo, me lo crei, y le hice caso a las indicaciones que me llegaron de un moneybookers trucho
le mande la guita al "representante en inglaterra"...
Cita:First name: Tod
Last name : Peterson
Address : Lewisham Way 158
City/State: London
PostalCode: SE14 6PD
Country : United Kingdom
...y se dieron los siguientes mails

Cita:Dear Customer *************************,

Thank you for contacting MoneyBookers Financial Department !
We contact you regarding the transaction number #31594853 and we have the pleasure to announce you that the package has arrived, however there is a problem.
For security measure, we will need to receive the security deposit of 400.00 USD, sent in the same way you have sent the first transfer, using money wire with WesternUnion Service, due to the regulations applied to real estates that the tenant must pay in advance the security deposit equal with 1 month of rent.
This action was taken to protect landlords against possible issues with tenants.
You have all our payment agent information that you will need in the invoice, so after this last transfer will be done we can proceed with the shipping, and you will receive the apartment keys will the rental contract at your address as soon as posible.

Notice: The security deposit will be reimbursed (including the WesternUnion fees) along with the apartment keys and the rental contract.
MoneyBookers Financial Department
la dueña del depto escribió:Yes I have been also informed that you have to send other 400 USD dollars. This money you will receive it back when the keys will be delivered at your address. The agent will give you the money back.

Please make second payment tomorrow so the keys can be shipped to you.

My best regards,

RECIEN ahi hice investigue un poco mas profundamente y vi en foros como ... 54fa1837f2 ... t-108.html

que es algo muy popular, y pasa por todos lados.
hoy, la guita ya la cobraron (en western union me van a dar la copia de la firma y demas que presento el tipo para cobrarlo), y para poder hacer la denuncia en la policia, tiene que estar consumada la estafa. lo que significa que primero tengo que pedirles que me manden la plata:


Is not a problem if you have found a new apartment. But the problem is if you will cancel the transaction you will lose 50% of the money. Moneybookers will take 50% of your money. So if you don`t want to lose them you need to go tomorrow and send the second payment so the apartment keys can be shipped to you.
As soon as you will receive the keys you will inform MoneyBookers office that you are not satisfied of the apartment and they will refund your money back, all your money. In this way you will not lose 50% .

I wait your reply .

le conteste:
Cita:Hello, Nicola.

I'm sorry, but I can't agree. I've read the FAQ on moneybookers site, and I found this:

How can an Escrow payment be cancelled?

The seller may cancel the transaction at any time and the payment and security deposit would then be returned to the buyer. The buyer may reject the transaction during the inspection period after receiving the items, but the buyer is still responsible for shipping the merchandise back to the seller, and for paying any fees.

So I'll wait then, for you to take care of this, so I can recieve the $400 I sent you, plus the $27 from the western union fees.

y sigo esperando respuesta.

los datos de la supuesta dueña:

Cita:First name: Nicoleta
Last name : Dorson
Address : 87 David Lee Point
City : London
PostalCode: E15-3LF
Country : United Kingdom

la policia de inglaterra no puede actuar sola, porque todo paso aca.
aca se encarga de estas cosas la division de crimenes tecnologicos de la federal, pero primero tiene que entrar como una denuncia normal en mi seccional de barrio (y estamos en eso)

en fin

PD: si alguno tiene ganas y usuario en taringa, puede postearlo, por lo menos, para que se sepa que estos casos existen acá también.
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 21-09-2010 09:45 por leandrodg.)
21-05-2010 16:27
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ElChacal Sin conexión

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Mensaje: #2
Re: Estafas en internet
bajon loco! Ojala puedas recuperar la guita.

Un abrazo y gracias por subirlo. thumbup3
21-05-2010 21:51
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Mensaje: #3
Re: Estafas en internet
olvidate, yo tuve un problema catalogado como "estafa" hace 2 años. todavía sigo buscando a los culpables. es difícil comprobar la estafa porque hay que ver hasta qué punto vos sabías o no de la situación, si eras un socio de ellos y te arrepentiste, o qué pasó realmente. vos podrías haber estado enterado de todo y "donar" tu plata porque sos bueno. es la palabra de uno contra la de otro.

además, olvidate de los datos del tipo y la firma y nada. cuando me pasó a mí, hice un poco de investigación con mis conocimientos informáticos y mis "contactos" en varios sectores. llegué a encontrar 3 domicilios del tipo, 5 cuentas bancarias en distintos bancos con distintos domicilios (lo más loco es que había una en salta y otra en tierra del fuego, onda el tipo tenía cuentas por todo el país). la cantidad de datos que averigüé es increíble, y sin embargo... humo... fantasma...

además no es un tipo solo, son organizaciones que también tienen sus contactos en todos lados. es muy jodido dar con ellos, y comprobar la estafa.

mi recomendación es que te olvides del asunto, y aprendas la lección (como yo la aprendí).

22-05-2010 00:59
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hern Sin conexión
Secretario General
Sni esatdo :)

Ing. Mecánica
Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Registro en: Sep 2009
Mensaje: #4
Re: Estafas en internet
obviamente no espero recuperar la guita. desgraciadamente es como decis vos, puro humo e imposible hacer algo. lo unico, es que me gustaria que por lo menos empiecen a haber estadisticas de esto. que se sepa que estas cosas pasan.
22-05-2010 21:29
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Doushiyou Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #5
RE: Estafas en internet
Esto es un tema que hay que saber...
A mi me llegan TODOS los días emails de que gané no se cuanto dinero... Blah, ni tarjeta de crédito tengo XD
07-06-2011 21:54
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