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Videos de interes para los de ing quimica
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Gilgamesh Sin conexión
Presidente del CEIT
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Mensajes: 1.037
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Agradecimientos: 6 en 6 posts
Registro en: May 2008
Mensaje: #1
Videos de interes para los de ing quimica Otro General para todo Ingeniería Química

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) is an independent federal agency that investigates chemical accidents. The agency's board members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. CSB investigations look into all aspects of the chemical accidents, including physical causes such as equipment failures as well as inadequacies in safety regulations, industry standards, and management systems. The Board does not issue citations or fines but does make safety recommendations to corporations, industry organizations, labor unions, and government agencies.

CSB Safety Videos depict the root causes of major accidents that have actually occurred and describe the good safety practices that can prevent similar accidents at other facilities. It is our hope that these videos, like all the work of the CSB, will help the cause of promoting safer workplaces. To obtain more information about the CSB, to sign up for the latest agency news, or request free DVD copies of any video, please visit our website, Thank you for your interest in safety.
04-07-2008 23:20
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